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My Fitness: No Gym, No Routine

Maria Fernanda López

I get a lot asked about is my fitness routine, how many days I workout in the week, which exercise I usually do, etc. I won't consider myself to have a workout routine, I do workout constantly (like 6 days of the week) but I listen to my body.

Each day our bodies go through stuff, we walk around the campus, run to classes, lift stuff, climb stairs and so many daily activities that are unpredictable. Sometimes we don't have enough sleep to help our bodies recover from the day before, all this things are the reason why I don't plan my workouts, I just wake up and listen to my body. I will do my workout depending on how I am feeling in the morning, physically.

I usually do six days of the week mixing it up with pilates, barre, weight lifting, cardio like boxing and if I'm really tired I'll do yoga. Everyday might be different, working a different body part each day (for revocery). Two days of the week I do a harder workout just to push myself to grow, try new things and challenge my body.

Doing something different also keeps things fun and holds the motivation. Try something new from now and then and challenge yourself into work with body parts in a different way, which is really good for your nerves and brain!

I am lucky to have a big room so I can do any type of workouts. Only once I got a gym membership but in that moment I didn't know anything about working about (I was 16 years old). For the last three years I have been doing all my workouts in my room with simple equipment like a variety of dumbells, resistance bands and ankle weights.

The hole point of telling you this is that you don't need to spend on a gym membership, just a few pieces of equipment and to listen to your body everytime you are going to workout. Feel your body; are your legs tired, or your back is hurting? Do you got enough sleep? Don't push your body into an exhausting workout when your muscles are feeling tired, you'll only push the nervous system into sympathic mode, elevating stress levels, lowering the capacity of your body to digest food, increasing your chances to various illnesses, etc.

Hope this was helpful, working out doesn't has to be all the same and boring. Keep things interesting and challenge your muscles, remember that working out has a ton of benefits (logevity, growth hormone stimulation, better digestion, better production of DNA, etc), so it's better to workout at least super light like a walk than just sitting around all day. You will feel better after every workout activity, promise!

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