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MCT Coconut Chocolate Bites

Maria Fernanda López

Sometimes I get asked if I follow a ketogenic diet... the truth is that I don't follow one but I'm an enthusiast of the low carb life since it has been a game changer for my hormones and energy levels. I will always encourage you to follow what makes you feel like a bad-ass. This just works for me!

And what's up with MCT? What's the hype?

MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides, these can be found in coconut in low quantities and what makes it special is that they don't need a protein carrier to get absorbed to be used as energy, so that is why it has become so popular in the ketogenic community. A easy way to increase energy without messing up with their insulin levels.

It's very easy to use:

- Add it to your drinks

- Add it to your baked goods

- Make bites just like this recipe I'm about to show you

These were super easy to make, and they are the perfect snack size. Packed with essential fatty acids to support hormone balance and to fuel your body. Ghee, coconut and MCT in these bad boys.


- 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk

- 2 Tbsp (11 grams) of Cave Shake coconut milk powder*


1. Blend 1/2 cup of almond milk and the coconut milk powder.

2. Pour in a ice tray and freeze.

3. Blend the other half of almond milk with the MCT and melted ghee.

4. Pour over the frozen first layer and freeze.



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