Hello everyone! Welcome to another recipe blogpost. If you are feeling adventurous today, then you are going to love this recipe. I first remember the first time I head about bacon in muffins, the feeling of surprise was sure on the top of my mind. How did anyone could have created this combination?

But the truth is that this is one of the best part of culinary experience! The explosion of flavors. One perfect example is Mexican Mole, this is a traditional dish from the South of México that consists on chicken, chiles and chocolate. Yes, chocolate. And the truth is that it's delicious, a great culinary experience that if you ever come to Mexico you should try!
Back to this recipe, so, yeah! We are using bacon. Crazy? Maybe, but delicious? Oh yeah! A great combination of flavors, sweet and savory all in a delicious fluffy muffin. Trust me!
These muffins are:
- Paleo
- Low Carb
- Keto
- Sugar Free

No weird ingredients here! Noticed that most bacon has nitrates, sugar or other funky ingredients? Well, that's probably bad quality bacon. The one that I use is from Naked Bacon, which is paleo friendly, Whole 30, all-natural and dry cured delicious bacon delivered to the step of your door.
Another ingredient found in this recipe is Lakanto's Maple Syrup, this one is sweetened with monk fruit and NOT sucralose. Monk fruit is a sugar replacement that comes from a plant source and it doesn't have an glycemic effect making this keto friendly and diabetic friendly.
Per serving each muffins has only 5.6 grams of total carbs and 3 grams of fiber, that makes 2.6 grams of net carbs.
You can store them in the freezer just fine after baking for easy grab snack for any day of the week! That's how I stored mine after baking and they were still amazing, fluffy and flavorful! You can also heat them in the microwave or if you are as obsessed with your fryer as I am, then try it on the air fryer for 3-5 minutes at 400F.

Toppings were essential in this recipe, of course! Bacon and low carb chocolate chips. Guys, the chocolate chips with the bacon? YUM. Plus consider that we've got a nice caramel touch from the muffin batter. I meant it when I say that these muffins are a whole new experience!

Probably you'll be wanting to try these with your family, friends or even by yourself! Hope you enjoy them as much as I did...
With love,
Try more recipes here
Maple Bacon Vanilla Muffins
By Maria Fernanda López
Serves 12
- 1 + 1/2 cup of almond flour
- 1/3 cup of granulated monk fruit (PURELYHL for discount)
- 1 tsp of baking powder
- 1 tsp of cinnamon
- 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
- 4 eggs
- 2 tbsp of Lakanto Sugar-Free Maple Syrup (PURELYHL for discount)
- 2 links of sugar free Naked bacon
- 1/4 cup (42g) of low carb chocolate chips
1.Preheat the oven at 350F.
2. Mix all the dry ingredients.
3. Add pumpkin puree and eggs.
4. Mix well, add caramel syrup.
5. Cook the bacon in a skillet.
6. Pour the mix into twelve muffin cups and top with chopped bacon and chocolate chips.
7. Bake for 20 minutes.
Nutritional Information (per serving 130 kcal)
Fat: 10.5g
Carbs: 5.6g
Fiber: 3g
Net Carbs: 2.6
Protein: 5.1g

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