There are some things in life that you just can't refuse, and also, it's true that sometimes life puts us in a hard decision between two things that we love and enjoy. In this case, cookies are the thing I can't refuse and vanilla and chocolate are two things that I enjoy and love.

Do you feel me on this? I mean, this recipe hits the spot for my chocolate and vanilla lovers... and of course, to every cookie monster out there including my self.
As you can see I have been all about my iron skillet recipes. I have been obsessed with it! It does make things prettier but they are super versatile, perfecto for baking and cooking in the stove. Sweet or savory, my iron skillet has my back.
And on this recipe is did got my back once again for one of my ultimate favorite snacks, AKA cookies. Cookies with better ingredients and actually a secret ingredient! For the chocolate part I decided to use Brownie Fudge Whey Protein with Collagen, in this case I used Smirk Keto, that also has collagen and more antioxidants. (Use code MARIA_PHL10 for Eu Naturals products!)
If you are new to baking with whey protein but you are considering it, well, the purpose on some of the recipes using whey is to substitute for eggs, it acts also as a binder. Or just to add a little extra protein and nutrients.
Nutrition Tip:
Whey protein has high content of cysteine, an amino acid that it's essential to increase glutathione production. Glutathione is required for Phase 1 of detoxification, when our bodies are managing high levels of toxin exposure they produce a lot of free radicals and glutathione is considered to be one of the greatest antioxidants in our bodies (remember that antioxidants fight free radicals) and made from three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine.

Anyways, if you are not sensitive to whey protein, adding it to your lifestyle or into recipes would be great since as we talked before, it's a great source of cysteine! And for this recipe also has the purpose of that chocolately yummy flavor. My recommendation while buying a whey protein, get grass-fed! And a one that's sweetened with stevia, monk fruit, allulose or erythritol.
Speaking of sugars, in this recipe we are using granulated monk fruit, you know me, and you know that I am all about reducing inflammatory ingredients such as sugar. I typically use Lakanto since I can get a better deal using my discount code (PURELYHL for discount!) and it doesn't have a funky after taste!

This is actually a great substitute of sugar for anyone following a keto, low carb, paleo and enjoy some sweetness while keeping insulin levels at bay. The one as a nutritionist I recommend to my clients as well.
I forgot that I used another secret ingredient! Keto Coffee Creamer as coconut oil or butter replacement, YES! And this one is actually a game changer, still fills the purpose of adding some healthy fats and with the density we want. The one that I used on this recipe was the Caramel Keto Creamer from Natural Force (I meant it when I said that I love and trust this company), this is made with MCT!

MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides, and I now that Triglycerides may sounds scary but they are essential build new cells and hormones. And the best part of MCT is that compared to other healthy fats these get absorbed easily and they are also used as energy for our bodies.
They are a great boost of energy if your body is running on ketones already!
So as you can see, this recipe is really stepping the game for any cookie, these are: keto, paleo, low carb, gluten free and diabetic friendly. Each serving has 7.3 grams of fiber, 11.2 grams total, so net carbs are only 4 grams! The full nutritional information is below the recipe!
You can store them in the freezer and the only things you'll need are:
- One mixing bowl
- One measuring cup
- One iron skillet or a baking dish
Try more recipes here
Marble Chocolate Chip Cookie Skillet
By María Fernanda López
Serves 8
1 cup of coconut flour
1/3 cup of granulated monk fruit
1 scoop of Brownie Fudge whey protein with Collagen and MCT (MARIA_PHL10 for discount)
1 tsp of cream of tartar
1 tsp of baking powder
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
1 egg
2 tbsp of caramel keto creamer (or ghee)
3/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of low carb chocolate chips (I used Choc Zero peppermint and dark chocolate)
1/4 cup of chopped pecans
Preheat the oven at 350F.
In a bowl add all the dry ingredients for the cookie, except for the chocolate whey.
Add the egg and water, mix well.
Add the keto creamer or ghee into the dough and mix again.
Separate the dough into two and add the scoop of whey into one of them.
Add both of the dough into the skillet and mix slightly with your hands to create the marble effect.
Press well and bake for 24 minutes.
Let cool and ENJOY!
Nutritional Information (per serving 163 kcal)
Fat: 11.6g
Carbs: 11.3g
Fiber: 7.3g
Net Carbs: 4g
Protein: 4.4g

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